1. The mail moment Direct mail enters an individual’s home and is consumed in a relaxed environment. This gives you the opportunity for one-to-one dialogue with your customers, to engage, inspire and promote action.
2. Tickle their senses The physicality of a mailing adds another dimension to the brand experience. Stimulate your customers’ senses through sight, touch and smell. Entertain, humour, educate or inform them as you build your brand experience.
3. X marks the spot Direct marketing can live or die by effective data management and analysis. Personalisation not only of names, but also images and products provides the opportunity to deliver your brand and marketing messages as well as a relevance for the recipient. Tailor-made content optimises sales results and ROI and relies on the oldest form of selling – listening to your customer
4. Creative inspiration Direct mail is unique in that mailings can be produced in a wide variety of formats, using different shapes, sizes, colours and materials to create a surprising and memorable brand experience that will stay in the home for weeks and months.
5. Effective advertising Australian consumers rank personalised direct mail as the fifth most effective advertising channel. The Top three attributes were 1. People report it was easier to refer to later (62% of those surveyed), 2. Often informative (47%) and 3. It was more relevant than other channels (35%) (Australia Post, 2013).
6. Integrate and procreate Adding direct mail to an integrated campaign can raise the campaign’s effectiveness by up to 62% (Brandscience, 2012). Bridging technologies such as augmented reality or QR codes make it simple for consumers to move from print to digital and back.
7. Time to act people Direct mail is the most likely form of communication to get a response from a customer. Over other channels direct mail is considered more trustworthy, relevant and believable.
8. It’s all in the timing Consumers receive direct mail pieces in their home where the message is held until the customer is ready to consume the information. Customers can take in and respond to the messages in their own time, they are never forced or coerced or interrupted.
9. Five ROI Stars According to the Direct Mail Association, (DMA) 2010 Response Rate Trend Report, 79% of direct mail is at least skimmed over before being discarded or saved. With customer engagement times averaging over 10 minutes and ROI reaching 40%, direct mail consistently delivers.
10. It’s preferred International Communications Research (ICR) for Pitney Bowes found that 73% of consumers prefer mail for receiving new product announcements, compared to 18% who prefer email. The survey also found that 31% of consumers are less likely to discard unopened mail than they are to delete spam (53.2%).