Category Archives: Blog

The Importance of Sustainable Processes within Printing Companies

The Importance of Sustainable Processes within Printing Companies

For years, the printing industry has been working hard to decrease the impact it has on the environment. Countless companies use high-quality printing for their marketing and branding efforts. Here at Immij, we believe that sustainability should be a core component of your printed assets. Sustainability isn’t just one of our primary business goals at…

Fresh Business Leads for 2019: Try These Tips from the Commercial Printing Specialists

Fresh Business Leads for 2019: Try These Tips from the Commercial Printing Specialists

Did you accomplish your advertising goals in 2018? If your end-of-year ROI wasn’t a revelation, don’t worry. A new year is a fresh opportunity to upgrade your marketing campaigns and transform your brand image with help from the team here at Immij. However, before you start investing in things like UV printing and leaflets for…

4 Ways to Personalise Customer Service with Print

4 Ways to Personalise Customer Service with Print

Customer service is currently one of the most important ways to differentiate your business. A study by Bain & Company found that organisations capable of delivering better customer experience earn revenues up to 8% better than their competitors. In other words, the experiences you give to your target customer can make or break your company….

Everything You Need to Know about Printing Services

Everything You Need to Know about Printing Services

Your printed materials are a valuable part of your promotional strategy. For vivid, high-quality images, packaging and marketing materials, you need the support of a professional printing services team. However, if you’ve never worked with printing pros before, it can be difficult to know what you need to look for in your local marketplace. As…

Quality Image and Packaging Printing for Businesses – 5 Questions You Need to Ask

Once you’ve designed some incredible promotional materials for your company, the next step is getting those assets printed. The correct printing strategy ensures that your packaging solutions and advertising materials look just as great in person as they do on your computer. If you’ve never worked with a printing company before, you may be unsure…

How to Take Your Marketing to the Next Level with Wide-format Printing

How to Take Your Marketing to the Next Level with Wide-format Printing

Wide-format printing technology has been around for decades, but only recently has it become so accessible and affordable. Today, virtually any organization can obtain impactful, eye-catching printed marketing materials that truly stand out. Here’s how to empower your existing marketing strategy to take full advantage of all that wide-format printing has to offer. Bigger, Better,…